Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Forgot one thing and then enough about dog hair - when we bought the vacuum we were in a Target in Albuquerque NM.  The woman who checked us out commented on how good the Shark was and that she owned one.  I asked her if she had pets and she said oh yeah, in fact she was a dog trainer.  As we discussed the pet hair issue she gave us advice.  Add cod liver oil to their food and it will lessen their shedding - well, we bought it right away and are trying it - I'll let you know.

More random musings....

So far we have been the RVers we said we wouldn't be - we have not sat outside.  But, that's because it has either been freezing (Taos) or windy (Albuquerque/South Padre).  Some day!!!!

At Albuquerque we wondered why no one had their outside rugs in place - it was super gravelly and easy to track  small pebbles into the rig so I put mine out.   Well, in a very short time I saw why they didn't put them out - mine blew halfway across the road and I had to run and rescue it!!  I was so silly in Taos - I didn't want to put my new rug out on the dirt - then I told myself that's what it's for!!  However, here in Padre I haven't put it out because of those blasted sand burrs!!

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