We knew we were in the right place at High Island because Paul and I both said - those people look like birders - birders just have a look - a uniform if you will.
Now this picture doesn't fully display "the look" but they usually have outdoor clothing on, big hats, binoculars and some of the largest camera lenses I have ever seen outside a sporting event. We don't wear special clothing but.......
Paul was wearing his binoculars and I did have the camera, but my lens is a toy next to every other lenses we saw there. One man we saw as we were coming into this particular bird sanctuary was having a "religious experience". I thought we might have to call EMTs to give him oxygen he was so excited about all the birds he was seeing in this area. We hustled in with great expectation - but we're not birders - eh....we didn't see anything half as great as the rookery. Note the man's "uniform" - that's a birder!
The morning of our last day we went out one more time to the bays and marshes where rosies should be - at the last minute we got lucky....
Just because this was cool and exciting doesn't make us "birders"! And just because we saw an Ibis and that was cool too....doesn't mean we are birders....really....we're not.
So the way I read this, you drove to Texas to look for birds... then you returned to the same place multiple times until you saw the birds you came to see. Sounds like a successful birding adventure!