Tuesday, March 26, 2013

I'm a dork - well a new blogger dork.  I posted a comment on my own blog because I couldn't remember how to post.  Ah well....I'll get better.

Today is day 4 of Adventure #2.  The ultimate goal is Dayton, Ohio to see Ruth and Rodger.  But we intend to explore Kentucky and Tennessee on the way back - never been to any of those states before.

Our adventure started out with a visit with son and daughter-in-law - good way to bid bon voyage.

We made it to Redlands first day and decided to be "boondockers" in Wal Mart - we went to back of store as told by store employee we talked to by phone.  Well, while Paul was shopping in Wally-World the police paid me a visit - I had to move.  Between our "house" and the freeway was an orange grove (which smelled delicious!!!) frequented by homeless, so they said it was for our own good.  We laughed it off and moved out front - turned out great, dark spot in the parking lot and away from I10 so much quieter.  Not to mention I scored some pajama jeans for $20 in Wally!!!  Woohoo.

Next stop Goodyear AZ - and to relatives who might read this we arrived late and left early so no time for a visit - maybe on way home in May.  We had stopped there to have a stabilizer installed on the 5th wheel - we were able to stay in the parking lot of the business we were buying it from so that was great - private and quiet (and within walking distance to Baskin - Robbins!).  However, unpleasant surprise next morning - they had sold our stabilizer!!  Not happy about that - but got on road earlier than expected.   They may have lost our business.

Drove all the way to Las Cruces, New Mexico and enjoyed the lovely parking lot of another Wal Mart - a little cold but free!!  Day 4 we are in Fort Stockton, TX - not particularly lovely, especially our RV park - decided we needed heat and water and empty holding tanks - plus it only cost us $14 so worth every penny even though it is one of the most pathetic parks we have ever been in.  Next stop Kerrville TX.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like you're having fun. You've brought back memories of the wonderful Walmart Camp grounds LOL.
